There is much that goes into serving alcohol in your restaurant, from managing your stock to Alcohol sales have historically represented a robust business opportunity for restaurateurs. Beer alone accounts for roughly 188.79 million kiloliters or approximately 531.97 billion bottles of 12 fluid …
How Restaurant Contact Tracing is Shaping Industry Policy
In the ongoing effort to improve safety during the pandemic, restaurant contact tracing has emerged as a mandatory policy in many communities. Many restaurants have been forced to attempt to collect information from their patrons to varying results. This has sparked everything from health benefits …
Introducing: The ConnectSmart Platform
Today, we start the next chapter in our company's history. We're very pleased to introduce: The ConnectSmart Platform. While the ConnectSmart Platform isn't a new product per se, we've worked to innovate our trusted solutions to provide all their features through a single back-end platform. By …
What Vaccinating Restaurant Staff Means For Your Operation
In early November, the world was able to breathe a collective sigh of relief as the first coronavirus vaccine was announced. Since then, more vaccines have been approved, with even more still in development. The National Restaurant Association has campaigned to prioritize restaurant workers as front …
What We Learned in 2020: A Restaurant Year For the History Books
Murder hornets, raging fires, civil unrest, toilet paper shortages, and a wild and unparalleled presidential election all in the middle of the first global pandemic since 1918 — that just about sums up 2020. With that said, this isn’t our typical end of year recap, and that’s because nothing about …
Restaurant Writing Skills (for Non-Writers!) to Promote Your Restaurant
Restaurants have to spend money on marketing, and new establishments usually spend more than those who've been around for some time. If restaurants don't have a large marketing budget, they must find creative and cost-effective ways to market. Restaurant writing skills can help them achieve …